
The Club requires all members to participate in fundraising functions, such as Tournament(s) which the club hosts and any other fundraiser designated as a Club Fundraiser.

Fund raising assists with expenses such as facilities, professional coaching, operating overhead, and scholarship opportunities. Each team is responsible for making sure that they have appropriate representation at Club Tournament events noted above. Poor team participation in fundraising activities could result in financial assessments and/or loss of the Club facilities for that particular team.

All Individual and or Team Fundraisers require approval by the Board of Directors.

Pursuant to the Financial Agreement, Individual and or Team Fundraisers are defined as a fundraising event or opportunity for the sole financial benefit of an individual team or player. At no time does a coach receive compensation for their role or participation in a  team fundraising event or activity.

Monies raised by Individual or Team fundraisers require designation or earmarking of the specific use of the funds. Failure to identify the specific use of the funds to the Club Treasurer may result in the funds being applied to the teams’ general fund.

Any money / credit in a player’s individual account at the conclusion of the playing season will remain in the player's account and follow them to the next season.  Credits earned by work in Concessions or Logo Gear or other designated duties CANNOT be cashed out at any time. Any person who leaves the club with banked credits earned from Concessions, Logo Gear, or other designate duties may be applied to another player. Unused credits by a player no longer in the club may be applied to another player if designated by the player that earned them.

Unused credits by a player no longer in the club, not designated for another player will be zeroed out.