Field Locations
Neighborhood Church
Neighborhood Church Fields
5505 W Riggin
Visalia, CA 93291
The Neighborhood Church address is 5505 W. Riggin, Visalia. It is located on the SW corner of Akers and Riggin. Approximately 2 miles North from Hwy 198.
If you have a 2pm game Sunday at the Neighborhood Church please do not disturb the church service. Parents please not to walk through the church buildings to get to the fields.
Also please remember NO DOGS ALLOWED at the fields. If we see anyone with a dog we will kindly ask you to take the dog to the car or home.

Riverway Sports Park
Riverway Sports Park
3611 N. Dinuba Blvd.
Visalia, CA 93291
River Way Sports Park on Dinuba Blvd (HWY 63), Approximately 3.0 miles from Neighborhood Church. From the Church travel East on Riggins, make a left on Dinuba Highway (63) and travel approximately ¼ mile to Sports Park.
Traveling East on Highway 198, take the Central Visalia exit and travel east Noble to Court Street. Make a left (North) on Court Street (eventually becomes Dinuba Blvd (Hwy 63)) and travel approximately 3 miles to the Sports Park.
Traveling West on Highway 198, take the Central Visalia exit and travel west on Mineral King and make immediate right (North) on Court Street (eventually becomes Dinuba Blvd (Hwy 63)) and travel approximately 3 miles to the Sports Park.